Bitcoin & Co. – Feint or Revolution of the Monetary System?

All you should know about Money, Gold, and Cryptocurrencies

The "more current than ever"-book by Roland Leuschel and Claus Vogt – up-to-date, trend-setting and explosive!

"The new book by Claus Vogt and Roland Leuschel will surprise you. Unbiased, precise and factual, it is about the one question that moves us all: Is Bitcoin & Co. the new gold? Must read!”“

Frank Meyer, Journalist and Stock Market Expert at n-tv

„Anyone interested in cryptocurrencies and their potential impact on our monetary system will do best to read this multi-faceted book by the two well-known financial experts, Claus Vogt and Roland Leuschel! As Friedrich August von Hayek said, ‘If I should give advice, it would be the following: Do not be patriotic in money matters. Choose the best money for you.’ The book deals knowledgeably with an important topic of our time in the tension zone between government, money and gold.“
Gerd Habermann,
Prof Dr Gerd Habermann is an economic philosopher, freelance publicist and honorary professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Potsdam, Germany. He is also the initiator and co-founder of the Friedrich A. von Hayek-corporation and the Friedrich-August von Hayek-foundation for a free Society.

A necessary pamphlet about cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin – and other cryptocurrencies – have experienced a sensational rise. It has not only seen a spectacular price rise, but even more has been the exponential growth of cryptocurrencies on offer. But what exactly is a cryptocurrency? Are cryptocurrencies money or could they become money in the near or maybe not so near future? Is Bitcoin even the new gold as some supporters claim?
Are cryptocurrencies an investment or are they more like a computer game? Or are they the modern version of the well-known
Ponzi scheme? These questions are being answered by financial experts and bestseller authors of “The Greenspan-Dossier” and “The Global Debt Trap”, Claus Vogt and Roland Leuschel, in their new book, where they analyse the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies with all its facets.

Bitcoin & Co. enthuse and alienate investors evenhandedly. Of course there are lots of questions here, and many investors are looking for unbiased answers.

  1. What is money?
  2. What exactly is a cryptocurrency?
  3. Are cryptocurrencies money or could they become money in the near or maybe not so near future?
  4. Are Bitcoin & Co. becoming the new gold? Or are they, as some of their supporters claim, even better than gold?
  5. Can they be a profitable investment? Or are they just a sort of computer game or a new form of the well-known
    chain letter or Ponzi scheme?
  6. Finally and most importantly, how will governments and central banks react?

Why now?

It's time to elucidate and draw a comprehensive picture of what has transpired so far. Time to give interested investors an unbiased overview of the most important aspects of cryptocurrencies. Because one key question arises:

Are Bitcoin & Co. the new gold?

The range of assessments is wide. Some criticize cryptocurrencies as being overhyped products of mass hysteria,
whereas others praise them for being a technological revolution of the financial system, which could end governmental despotism and change people’s lives all around the world.

The timing of this book cannot be any better

First, from its December 2017 high and subsequent 70% plunge, bitcoin has now returned to record prices, investors are asking the question, buying opportunity or hands off?

Second, central banks as guardians of the governmental monetary monopoly have recently just come forward with their own thoughts on this important topic.

Just these two important aspects are worth to be analysed thoroughly. But there is much more to know about cryptocurrencies:

Furthermore you read in this little book:

Bitcoin or gold? What Goethe would choose .....................................  7
Can cryptocurrencies keep their promise? ..........................................  9
Spectacular rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies ...................  13
Blockchain – A potential technical revolution.....................................  20
Blockchain is a subversive technology .................................................  24
Good reasons to resist the monetary monopoly.................................  27
Fedcoin and the call to ban cash are closely related .........................  33
Could Bitcoin be a feint? .........................................................................  40
BIS: “Cryptocurrencies do not work as money” .................................  41
It is a matter of political power...............................................................  56
Speculative bubble cryptocurrencies....................................................  62
Cryptocurrencies cannot replace gold..................................................  70
Glossary.......................................................................................................  84
About the Authors.....................................................................................  91

What the experts say:

"Bitcoin is a fraud. It’s worse than tulip bulbs. (Referring to the first major speculative bubble in Holland during the 17th century.) It won’t end well. Someone is going to get killed."
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, 12. September 2017

"Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative."
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Scholar, Statistician, Philosopher, and former trader.

"What role will remain for cash in this digital world? Already signs in store windows read 'cash not accepted'. Not just in Scandinavia, the poster child of a cashless world. In various other countries too, demand for cash is decreasing—as shown in recent IMF work. And in ten, twenty, thirty years, who will still be exchanging pieces of paper?"
Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, 14. November 2018

"I’m not as negative as it may seem, but I think that the thing that’s driving bitcoin at the moment, like other examples of bubbles, is a story. And it’s the quality of the story that’s attracting all this interest, and it’s not necessarily sustainable. (...) Then, we have a new form of money that ... sounds extremely revolutionary and involves a very clever use of cryptography that you can spend all afternoon trying to figure out. So the story has inspired young people and active people, and that’s what’s driving the market. It’s not fundamentals. It’s not like this is a fundamentally important thing, this bitcoin."
Robert Shiller, Economist and Financial Expert, 6. September 2017

This little book gives you all the information you need to make up your own mind about the chances and risks of cryptocurrencies and the future they may have. The spectrum covered in this small book ranges from technical features and requirements to money functions, the political call for a cash ban and thoughts on the most important power politics.

Maybe, Bitcoin is not even a grassroots movement but something very different. Read on and come to your own conclusion.

Kirsten Schlink (Editor), November 2018

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Roland Leuschel/Claus Vogt, "Bitcoin & Co - Feint or Revolution of the Monetary System? All you should know about Money, Gold, and Cryptocurrencies", November 2018, 93 pages, 19,90 €, ISBN-13: 9789925750337, Publishing House: MFC media & consulting Ltd.

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